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Theorycrafting Empty Theorycrafting

Post by DeadlyWhenMad Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:24 pm

While watching S3 Championships, playing random solo queue and noticing how TriForce seems to be being built pretty often. (On Vayne, Corki, Ez etc.)
I was thinking of any other champs that might do well with it.
I thought Sivir might work somewhat since:

  1. Her Ricochet has a pretty low CD which lets her get the proc off pretty often
  2. Her passive with TriForce would let her kite for days

I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why it wouldn't work, but I'm curious about what other people think.
Or maybe come up with other ideas that might just be crazy enough to work.

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Join date : 2013-09-17

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Theorycrafting Empty Re: Theorycrafting

Post by Admin Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:37 pm

After they nerf triforce, Sivir wont be having much fun with it, but it would synergize really well with her passive.

I think the problem is her lack of burst to synergize with tri-force. Like the main burst would come from her ricochet as you said, but then a follow-up Q is really hard to land because it's easy to dodge. Ontop of that she has short-attack range along with short "burst".

With the current state of Tri-Force though, i think any ADC can build it and be moderately successful, infact, tri-force could make you surprisingly bursty if you use your spell shield to negate an enemy cc and then auto- press R - auto - W - auto auto auto. It's a pretty strong way to burst down the enemy ADC/support, could be really effective in team fights too.


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Join date : 2013-09-17


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Theorycrafting Empty Re: Theorycrafting

Post by 007 Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:30 pm

Yeah but as you said, Sivir's 500 range is what's stopping her from becoming a strong AD again. After the nerfs to her Q, it's really difficult to lane against many AD's as they WILL punish you for going in for CS as she has the lowest (I think) range for AD carries. But yeah Triforce/Phage with her passive allows for a lot of kiting and her spellshield along with her Q and W allows her to get many TF procs off but she'll get punished vs. a competent team because of her range.


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Join date : 2013-09-19

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Theorycrafting Empty Re: Theorycrafting

Post by DeadlyWhenMad Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:06 pm

Was playing a normal premade 5s the other day then ran into a new potential build and a funny story.

The Story:
tl;dr bought mana crystal start, forgot i could resell. tried to go ad Akali and it went decently well.

Ravenous Hydra Akali. How well might that work?

AD Akali

- Easier early game CSing
- Better early game exchanges (depending on matchup)
- Tons of spell vamp (I had about 50% with just Hydra and Gunblade)
- Amazing wave clear (with Hydra, E and auto attack Combo)

- Only her Crescent Slash scales AD
- Building AP has much better burst

Anything else I might be missing? Would be nice getting some more peoples opinions on this topic.

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Join date : 2013-09-17

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Theorycrafting Empty Re: Theorycrafting

Post by MasturGator Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:35 pm

AD Akali works, but AP Akali is simply the better choice.

-CSing on Akali isn't that hard as she has her other passive that scales with AP
-This point is very situational
-You won't be spell vamping much as you're not doing the max amount of magic damage
-That's a valid point

The playstyle of Akali is to burst the carries as hard and fast as possible. AP gives her more spell vamp healing, more burst, and more damage than AD. Of course this doesn't mean that AD is not viable, it's just not optimal.

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Age : 29
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